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This is a presentation of skills I can apply when creating for a performance, allowing me to continue building on a solid foundation of understanding.

Applying alginate to desired area

Adding plaster bandage to hold shape

End result after plaster pour

Dye samples

Sewing flag together

End result after applying symbol

Expanding foam base

Adding colour

Final rendering to create Choux Buns
Body Casting
Flag Making
Food Props


Structed base

End Result

Clay sculpt

Fiberglass cast

Final paint

Core head piece

Building on shape

Final headress

Wax sculpt

Completed metal pour and polish

End result

Building structure

Covering with texture

End result

Carving base shape and adding colour

experimenting with design variations

End result
Metal Casting
Model Making
Cardboard Sculpture
Phoebe Fern Designs

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