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Paint Finishes
Transformation within performance is vital, this process begins before an actor or elements sets foot stage. Whether that's in a rehearsal room or a workshop we are constantly creating one element to look like another, for a scenic artists this is simply using a brush and paint
Preparing the canvas
Using air gun to add general undertones
End Result in the Theatre
Creating a sample
Adding base to set piece
End result
Experimenting with tools
Sponging on base colours
Adding glaze for end result
Scenic Cloth
Metal Tiles
Preparing metal pipe to rust
Iron filings and Vinegar reaction
Completed sample
Wood grain sample
Adding base tones to set piece
Ready for pick up to theatre
Completed scenic brick wall
Starting to add graffiti
End result in theatre
Adding texture
Organically Splattering Paint
End Result
preparing base
adding red under paint and glue
Close to finishing gilding
Sweeping away loose texture
Adding base colour
End result
Gold Gilding
Phoebe Fern Designs
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